The Framework for Psychosexual Care of Women with Gynaecological Cancers has been developed to describe the knowledge, skills and abilities required of health professionals working with women at risk of, or who are experiencing psychosexual concerns associated with gynaecological cancer or its treatments.

A learning resource for health care professionals

The PSGC learning modules will help all health professionals develop the knowledge and skills to support women and their partners experiencing psychosexual concerns following gynaecological cancer. This resource can be used for self directed learning, or by educators in both clinical and academic settings as part of a facilitated learning program.

The resource can be accessed here: The Psychosexual care of women with gynaecological cancers.

PSGC framework

Treatment for a gynaecological cancer can alter a woman’s behaviours, attitudes and feelings towards sexuality and intimacy. Women with a gynaecological cancer can sometimes experience:

  • changes to body image or how a woman sees herself and how she thinks others see her;
  • loss of femininity as a result of treatment;
  • feeling a loss of wholeness;
  • isolation from others;
  • fear of rejection from their partner; and
  • guilt or a fear that sexual activity will result in pain or will cause the cancer to reappear.

Women experiencing these concerns come into contact with a range of health professionals in a variety of settings. These health professionals require knowledge and skills to minimise the risk of these concerns, and to effectively treat them should they occur.

CPD points are available as follows:

  • RACGP members: 40 category 1 points, or 20 category 2 points
  • ACRRM members: 20 PDP core points, or 20 core O&G MOPS points
  • Registered and Enrolled nurses: Self-Record Continuing Professional Development hours

PSGC courses



To get the best outcomes, treatment needs to be based on the best available evidence and tailored to individual circumstances.  Strategies to promote self-management can help women and their partners better adjust to the effects of gynaecological cancer and its treatments.


Sexual health assessment

Human sexuality is complex. There are many dimensions of sexual dysfunction.  Comprehensive assessment needs to encompass all dimensions of sexuality, because they rarely exist in isolation.

Problems with sexual function following gynaecological cancer treatment can result from physical, psychological or situational factors.


Enquiring & responding to the psychosexual sequelae of gynaecological cancers

All women need to have the opportunity to discuss their concerns about changes to sexuality. This is regardless of their age, marital status, sexual orientation, cultural background or level of illness / disability.

It's also important not to make assumptions about someone's sexual activity and practices and to respect the choice of some women not to discuss sexuality.


Understanding sexuality

Sexuality can mean different things to different people. To understand how a diagnosis of gynaecological cancer can affect sexuality and sexual functioning, it'simportant to consider what the concepts mean to people.